Wednesday, February 13, 2013

UDL Strengths and Needs

Image (n.d.). Etips and udl reflection. [Web Graphic]. Retrieved from

As I continue on my UDL journey, is it important for me to check-in with myself quite frequently, and see exactly how I'm incorporating UDL in my classroom and make sure I'm using all three areas. Based on the UDL guidelines, I am currently incorporating many aspects of UDL in my second grade classroom. However, I have found that I utilize many checkpoints from the area of Multiple Means of Representation and Multiple Means of Engagement, but I'm not using many aspects as Multiple Means of Action and Expression. This is an area that I would like to further develop throughout my course on Assisted Learning and throughout my teaching career.

  • 3.1 Provide or activate background knowledge (Representation).  At the beginning of each lesson, whether it's language arts, science, social studies, or math, I always help my students activate their background knowledge about a particular topic. This helps them recall what they already know about a topic and use that to connect to the current lesson and deepen their level of understanding.
  • 7.1 Increase individual choice and autonomy (Engagement). This is done in my classroom on a daily basis. I have purchased book boxes for my students to use, and each student has his/her own book box. At the beginning of each week, students select their own independent reading books for the week. They can use books from our classroom library, books from home, or books from the school library. They use these books during their Read to Self time, as well as their Read to Someone time. The books are also an option if they finish an assignment early.
  • 8.2 Vary levels of challenge and support (Engagement). This is also done in my classroom on a daily basis. A few of my students with learning disabilities require more intense support than other students. An aide in my classroom assists me with this extra support. On the other hand, several of my students are in the gifted program at my school and often require more of a challenge. I often give these students extension activities. In turn, they can share their extension activities with the class and enhance the class' understanding of particular concepts.
  • 4.1 Provide varied ways to respond (Action and Expression). While I currently provide varied ways to respond, I would like to do this more often within my classroom. I truly believe that when students are given choices, they develop more of an ownership and responsibility for their learning. This is important to me, so I would like to offer my students more ways to respond, especially in reading and science.
  •  4.3 Integrate assistive technologies (Action and Expression). Since starting this course, I've realized that I have been using assistive technologies in my classroom. However, since starting this course, I've realized that there are so many more opportunities to use AT than I previously thought. I would like to develop a further understanding of the AT resources that are available at my school and utilize them more within my classroom.
  • 6.1 Guide Effective Goal Setting (Action and Expression). In the beginning of the year, I help my students develop long-term goals for their year. However, I would like to help my students develop short-term goals, as well. I would like to check in with my students about their goals more frequently, allow opportunities for student reflection and assessment of their goals, and help them develop new goals when appropriate.


  1. I love the emphasis you place on continuing to checkin throughout your journey. It is so important as teachers to not only assess our students but ourselves to ensure we are staying up to date on practices and are providing a classroom that best supports and enhances our students learning. While looking at your strengths and weaknesses I feel as though you highlight a lot of strong attributes that help you be the best teacher you can be, providing opportunities for autonomy and choice can be very hard to do so it is great to see that you are able to do this.

  2. Thanks, Tara! I think this blog is really helpful because it provides us with a real opportunity to check in with ourselves and make sure we're helping our students the best we can. It'll be nice to come back to this post at the end of the semester and reevaluate my strengths and needs as a teacher!

  3. I agree to Tara, It is so important to look at the strengths and weanesses inside your classroom. I thought you picked a good strength, 8.2. It is key to always have a vary of levels to challenge your students at. You seem to definitely hit those levels.
