Sunday, March 10, 2013

Electronic Touchscreen Tablets

Electronic touch tablets are similar to laptops but they are even more portable for students to use; they also have a touchscreen! Many students benefit from the use of tablets. Auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners are great candidates for tablets. In addition, students with ADHD and autism can also excel when using a tablet. One example of an electronic touchscreen tablet is the iPad. iPads allow students use a myriad of apps to develop their reading, writing, math, listening, and speaking skills. Apps can be downloaded based on a students' strengths, needs, and interests. Since technology tends to be very motivating and engaging for students, it can help many students access the curriculum and experience success. Another great thing about iPads is that students can use them to type, instead of handwriting everything, which can "sometimes hurt our hands," according to the children in the video below! I haven't used iPads with my students yet, but I look forward to trying it sometime in the future. I can really see my students using them to practice their math facts during station time.

Below is a video of a student using an iPad in the classroom.

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