Sunday, March 10, 2013

Voice Recognition Software

Speech recognition software is great for students who struggle with reading and/or writing disabilities, such as dyslexia. It is amazing to me that such a wonderful product exists for our students to use. It is simple to use; the student talks, and the software types what the student says. One remarkable product I found is Dragon NaturallySpeaking Speech Recognition. All that is needed is a computer and a high-quality microphone. Students can use this product to write stories, send emails, open applications, move the mouse, and more! It is a very well-rounded product.

Below, is a video of Dragon NaturallySpeaking Speech Recognition. One amazing fact that I learned, is that the software can help students type more than 3 times faster and much more accurately. This allows them to focus more on the content of their writing, instead of remembering where the keys are and how to spell words.

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