Sunday, March 10, 2013

Video #5- "Jake 7-yr-old autistic boy uses iPad app iWriteWords"

Below, you can read about my thoughts and feelings regarding another excellent video example of how technology can be used to help students express themselves in a more confident way.

In the video below, from, a 7-year-old boy with autism used an iPad app, iWriteWords to write words and sentences. The app had a connect-the-dot like feel, where the child swiped on the screen to form letters, which he then turned into words. He seemed truly engaged with the iPad app, and it seemed to keep his attention. While I cannot speak for the boy, I bet it made him feel successful that he was able to write letters and words, thus being able to communicate with the world around him. It's amazing to me that there's a relatively affordable tool out there (not thousands of dollars like some communication devices) that can help students learn and also express what they understand about the world. His parents and teachers must be proud to see him engaging with educational devices and developing his understanding about letters, sounds, and words.

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