Sunday, March 10, 2013

Write Outloud 6 Tutorial

As I researched assistive technology devices, I was most interested in Write Outloud 6. Write Outloud 6 is an example of a talking word processor. I visited and completed the tutorials on the software. I learned how to listen to your text by using the Speak button, how to check your spelling using the Spell Checker, how to add more sentences to your document, how to use the Homonym Checker, how to use Write:OutLoud in Test Mode, how to check the meaning of a word using the Talking Dictionary, how to use the Mark for Deletion button, as well as how to add a picture to your document. Overall, the website's tutorial videos were extremely informative. I was really impressed by HOW MUCH Write Outloud 6 is capable of doing, but also HOW MUCH Write Outloud can help a student be capable of doing! Write Outloud 6 is a great tool for students with reading, writing, or spelling difficulties, as well as students who enjoy using technology to express their thoughts and ideas. I'd be interested to learn about the learning curve that students experience when being introduced to Write Outloud 6 and how quickly they can understand how to utilize its amazing features.

I would love to try using this software to help a student of mine who has autism and often becomes frustrated with the physical act of writing stories and reading responses. This program might make the experience more enjoyable for her.

Below is a link to a video about a summer camp that used Write Outloud 6 to help struggling students become successful writers!


  1. I liked reading and watching the video on the tutorial you found. This was useful information for me because I am able to look at another blog and find different information from what i used on my blog. This was a great find! I will definitely refer to this tutorial in the future if using this assistive technology.

  2. Trying to find information on the Write outloud 6. Is it a program or a use-alone word processor?
